. contributing to meeting the objectives and responsibilities of the Australian Federal Government . After the depression, the CSIR extended into secondary industries such as .
. parliamentary democracy based on the British system of government. Federal . Mining is one of the most important industries in Australia.
. industries as well as our environment, tourism industries and lifestyle. Australian . Comcare Australia - Federal Government Agency Commonwealth Government .
. experienced economic growth as a result of the advancement of ICT industries . report on NBN leaves basic questions unanswered
The Australian Government has introduced a carbon price that . to encourage the sustainable growth of Australian industries by . This directory contains details for federal, state .
Media releases, news and transcripts of Australian Labor and the Gillard Labor Government.
Website of the Department of Sustainability, Environment, Water, Population and Communities (SEWPaC)
. is subject to the regulatory and fiscal influence of all three levels of Government in Australia, although only the State and Federal levels determine policy for primary industries .
. role as president of the Federal Chamber of Automotive Industries, has told the Federal Government . the future of automotive glass manufacturing in Australia. Without federal and .
SAY NO! CARBON TAX AUSTRALIA. . Mick Pattel - NRFA supporting Coalition of Industries - Convoy of NO Confidence in the Federal Government! 22nd .
Federal Government department offering information on business in agricultural industries. Includes grants, media centre, publications and ministers.
This is the official website of the Australian Department of . Federal Interstate Registration Scheme (FIRS) Specialist . Maritime Related Guide to Australian Government
. was taken up and elaborated into a national policy by the new Federal government after . Australia, and especially the textile, vehicle, and iron and steel industries. Australian australian federal government industries .
. Department
australian federal government industries
of Agriculture, Fisheries and Forestry aimed at Australia's primary industries. . are handled by State
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